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Financing / Funding Opportunities

Within the Erasmus program, no tuition fees are charged, even where they would otherwise apply. Additionally, study placements come with financial support.

You may also be eligible for Auslands-BAföG (German student financial aid for studying abroad). Even if you do not receive funding in Germany, the higher costs abroad may entitle you to financial support, as long as you begin your studies abroad within the standard period of study. If you already receive Inlands-BAföG (domestic student aid), you are generally eligible for Auslands-BAföG as well. However, once the standard period of study has been reached, you are no longer eligible for BAföG (this is why it’s important to go abroad early, as this extends the standard period of study). The responsible BAföG office depends on your destination country, and you can find the appropriate office here.

For more information about various funding opportunities, please visit this page from the International Office of the EAH.

You can also search for scholarship opportunities via platforms like myStipendium or the Initiative für transparente Studienförderung.

For questions regarding the financing of your semester abroad, please contact Dr. Danny von Nordheim at the International Office.

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