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Studium Soziale Arbeit

Psychiatry, youth welfare, media education – these are some of the areas that social workers engage with. The study of social work provides the scientific education for work in social services. The study of social work qualifies individuals for a highly diverse and specialized field of professions, target groups, and practice areas.
Social workers in the Federal Republic of Germany are primarily employed by public and private organizations. Public organizations are institutions that operate under the responsibility of the state – municipalities, states, or the federal government – including youth welfare offices, social welfare offices, health authorities, as well as employment agencies, judicial institutions, or schools. Private organizations, on the other hand, are usually nonprofit organizations. The most important and largest employers are welfare associations such as the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO), the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband (DPWV), Caritas, the Diakonisches Werk, or the German Red Cross. Private organizations also include youth associations or smaller local clubs and initiatives.

The Department of Social Work currently offers the following degree programs:

The following Master’s degree program is currently offered:

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