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Going Out – Studying Abroad

Foto: Rebecca Pohl
photo: Rebecca Pohl

Below, you will find information on various ways to prepare for an Erasmus stay at one of our European partner universities, undertake an internship abroad, or even pursue studies as a so-called “freemover” in your chosen country.

Once you’ve researched the ideal timing for a stay abroad (after the foundation courses, see below), the necessary language skills for your host country, and funding options, feel free to attend the study abroad consultation with Prof. Frederik von Harbou. Here, you can ask any remaining questions and register for the nomination at your desired destination.


When Should You Go?

The ideal time for a study abroad experience is after completing the foundation courses, i.e., after the 3rd semester, assumed you have passed the exams for the first three semesters as outlined in the standard study plan.

In the Bachelor’s program in Social Work, starting your stay abroad in the winter semester after successfully completing the practical semester is also a good option.

It is also possible to study abroad in a later semester, as long as you are still enrolled and have courses or modules remaining that you can take abroad and have recognized later at the EAH. At this point, a semester abroad can also be valuable if you’re interested in specific study programs offered by the partner university (e.g., Groningen: Human Rights Interdisciplinary) or to use the time abroad for research related to your BA or MA thesis. However, Erasmus funding, as well as BAföG, are limited to the standard study period (so you shouldn’t plan a semester abroad in the 8th semester for a BA or in the 4th semester for an MA).

It’s best to start planning for a semester abroad during your first semesters and begin learning the local language early on.

A semester abroad is particularly beneficial for MA students who need to earn required credits as part of a special study plan, which can be done through (possibly a preliminary) semester abroad.

In both the BA and MA programs, a maximum study period of one year (two semesters) abroad is possible. If you have already studied abroad for one or two semesters during your BA, you can still do another one or two semesters abroad during your MA program.

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