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Prof. Dr. Sören Kliem Dipl.-Psych.



As the head of my workgroup at the EAH Jena I currently supervise 3 doctoral candidates and more than 20 research and teaching assistants. I strongly promote their individual academic development which has resulted in two of my Ph.D. candidates having received personal grants and academic scholarships. I co-supervise all my PhD candidates with professors from different institution, i.e. the University of Hildesheim and Leiden University Medical Centre.

Anna Lohmann, M.Sc.
Cooperating University: Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC), Netherlands
Ph.D. candidate since June 2022 (ongoing)

Carolin Siegert, M.Sc.
Cooperating University: University of Hildesheim, Germany
Ph.D. candidate since August 2022 (ongoing)

Julia Rothamel, M.Sc.
Cooperating University: University of Hildesheim, Germany
Ph.D. candidate since November 2022 (ongoing)

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