Prof. Dr. Sören Kliem Dipl.-Psych.
Academic Citizenship
Peer reviews
I have served as an ad-hoc reviewer for over 25 research journals (e.g. JAMA Psychiatry, Psychological Medicine, Psychiatry Research, Behaviour Research and Therapy, Journal of Personality Assessment, Diagnostica). I additionally serve as an associate editor for Frontiers in Psychology as well as Frontiers in Psychiatry. Furthermore, I served as a reviewer for the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the framework of the Research Impulses (Forschungsimpulse) 2024.
Science Communication
Being an expert on criminological issues especially regarding violent crimes, I regularly provide expert opinion and interviews national (e.g. Süddeutsche Zeitung (1) (2) (3), Spiegel (1) (2) (3), ZEIT (1) (2) (3), FAZ, F.A.Z. Woche, TAZ, Thüringer Allgemeine, Vorwärts, Katapult Magazin, VICE, NWZ, HAZ (1) (2), MiGAZIN, Welt, Tagesspiegel, WDR (1) (2), Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Deutsche Welle, SAT-1, RTL, SWR1, WAZ) as well as international (USA: New York Post, Fox News, Bloomberg; GB: BBC World News; France: France24, RTS; Switzerland: Le Temps; Sweden: The Local; Poland: Polityka, Wiadomosci; Czech Republic: Expres; Slovenia: Pluska; Armenia: Yerepouni News) news media, radio and TV. Furthermore, my research findings that are of interest to the general public are frequently features in corresponding Wikipedia articles (e.g. Verrohung, Sex, Islamismus, Immigration and crime, Demographics of sexual orientation, Dialectical Behavior Therapy), Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung oder ifo-Chancenmonitor)
Crime is a popular topic for media coverage. It is well known that this often leads to abbreviations or reporting that is characterized by a lack of context. In this respect, the reports mentioned here do not necessarily represent my position and should be read critically.
Presentations (General public and professional organizations)
As an invited speaker I regularly share my expertise with the public. I have given keynote talks at community events organized by NGOs (e.g., Sir Peter Ustinov Stiftung, Niedersächsische Landeskirche, Europäischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste, Arbeitstagung der Leiterinnen und Leiter von Jugendämtern in Nordrhein-Westfalen JALTA-Tagung) as well as at educational seminars by public organizations (e.g., Deutsche Hochschule für Polizei, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, Deutsche Vereinigung für Jugendgerichte und Jugendgerichtshilfe DVJJ)
Government consultancy
As a member of the State Committee for Youth Aid Thuringia (Landesjugendhilfeausschuss Thüringen) I share my professional insights to inform welfare legislation. As a statistical consultant for the Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt) I form part of an expert committee on the methodology and statistical evaluation of official crime statistics. I furthermore provided expert testimony to the legislative assembly of Lower Saxony (the Landtag) in a hearing on social media safety.