Prof. Dr. Sören Kliem Dipl.-Psych.

Third-party funding


Lead applicant for the project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) „Primary prevention at the beginning of life. Effects of "Pro Child" in Adolescence Primärprävention am Anfang des Lebens. Auswirkungen des „Pro Kind“-Programms in der Adoleszenz
Funding amount approx. 0,91 Mio. Euro (01EL2013A/B/C)

Co-applicant for the project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) "Racial discrimination in healthcare Rassistische Diskriminierung in der Gesundheitsversorgung
Funding amount approx. 1,1 Mio. Euro (01UG2230A/B)

Lead applicant for the project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) „SoLawi-GuN - Solidarity-based Agriculture as a Living Laboratory for Health and Sustainability Solidarische Landwirtschaft – Reallabor Gesundheit & Nachhaltigkeit
Funding amount approx. 0,075 Mio. Euro (01EL2306)


Lead applicant for the project funded by the Ministry of the Interior in Schleswig-Holstein "Repeat survey of regional analyses on right-wing extremism in Schleswig-Holstein Wiederholungsbefragung von Regionalanalysen zum Rechtsextremismus in Schleswig-Holstein
Funding amount approx. 0,1 Mio. Euro

Co-Lead applicant for the project funded by the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA-Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung) "Evaluation of the universal prevention program Klasse2000 in fourth grade primary school children Evaluation Klasse2000 in Niedersachsen
Funding amount approx. 0,32 Mio. Euro

Lead applicant for the project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) „Follow-up assessment of the midterm efficacy of the home visiting program Pro Kind based on a randomized controlled trial Follow-Up Untersuchung zur mittelfristigen Wirksamkeit des Hausbesuchsprogramms Pro Kind anhand eines randomisierten kontrollierten Forschungsdesigns
Funding amount approx. 0,51 Mio. Euro (01EL1408A/B/C)

Lead applicant for the project funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Thesis Research Grant).
Funding amount approx. 0,08 Mio. Euro

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