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Prof. Dr. iur. Claudia Beetz M.mel.

  • Appointment Area: Rechtswissenschaft
  • Mail:
  • Telephone: 03641 / 205 800
  • Room: 05.01.17
  • Consultation hours: During the lecture-free period in the winter semester 2023/2024: usually on Tuesdays between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. after registration on studIP.
    The appointments can be booked here (logging in to studIP is required for this).
    If these dates are not possible, please contact us by e-mail, also if you do not have access to the studIP platform of our department.


The native Thuringian Claudia Beetz studied law at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and completed her studies with the First State Examination in Law in 2001. Subsequently, she worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Civil Law, German and European Labor, Corporate, and Social Law at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. She completed the Master's program in Medicine Ethics Law, a practice-oriented interdisciplinary program at the intersection of medicine, ethics, and law, earning the academic degree Master of Medicine, Ethics, and Law (M.mel.) in 2008. Following her legal clerkship (2009 - 2011), Claudia Beetz obtained her doctorate in 2011 on the topic "Securing Patient Autonomy in Situations of Concrete Incapacity to Make Decisions through Legal Representatives," which was published by Peter Lang Publishing House. The doctoral research was funded by a scholarship from the Hans Böckler Foundation. After further work as a research assistant at the Chair of Civil Law, German and European Labor, Corporate, and Social Law, Claudia Beetz was appointed as a judge in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in 2012. She served in the social jurisdiction of Saxony-Anhalt from October 2012 to March 2019 and in the ordinary jurisdiction from April 2019 to September 2019. At the social courts, she handled cases involving basic security for job seekers (SGB II), pension insurance law (SGB VI), social welfare law (SGB XII), as well as guardianship proceedings, proceedings under the Administrative Offenses Act, and family law proceedings at the district court.

Since October 2019, she has been a professor of law at Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena.

Currently, Prof. Dr. Claudia Beetz is active in the following areas of the university: Dean of the Department of Social Work.
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