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Prof. Dr.iur. Thomas Trenczek M.A.

1960 - 1981
After birth in Leipzig and family escape, grew up in Heidenheim an der Brenz (Baden-Württemberg). Voluntary work in the SMV, school magazine and youth work. A-levels (1979), then military service (1979/80), later (1981) conscientious objection.

1980 to 1986
Studied law and (from 1982) education/social education at the University of Tübingen (especially Profes. Hans Thiersch, Anne Frommann, Siegfried Müller), from 1984 research assistant at the Institute of Criminology (Profes. Hans Göppinger, Hans-Jürgen Kerner).
Since 1980 at Amnesty International (e.g. MEC working group), first publications in cooperation with AK Export of Arms and Human Rights (AK-Rüstungsexporte und Menschenrechte) 1986.
Between 1981 and 1983 worked for several months in curative education for people with mental and physical disabilities (e.g. Diakonie Stetten; Camp Catskill, USA).

Research assistant at the Institute of Criminology at the University of Tübingen (Prof. Kerner).

Study and research stay at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis/USA (cooperation with Prof. Burt Galaway, Mark Umbreit, Howard Zehr, John Gehm) and familiarisation with numerous mediation and restorative justice projects; mediation training and work as a volunteer mediator (Minnesota Citicens Council)

Executive Director of the German Association for Juvenile Courts and Juvenile Court Assistance. (DVJJ) ; Founder and editor of the DVJJ-Journal - Journal for Juvenile Criminal Law and Juvenile Aid (Zeitschrift für Jugendkriminalrecht und Jugendhilfe) (ZJJ)

Founded and served on the board of Kinderladen Strolche e.V. in Hanover

since 1990
Founder and board member of Waage Hannover e.V., association for conflict mediation and reparation; non-profit mediation centre, since 2006 1st chairman.

Research assistant at the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony (KFN) e.V., Hanover

1st chairman of the DVJJ regional group of Lower Saxony

Legal traineeship at the Higher Regional Court of Celle/2nd state law examination, stations at the JA and LJA, among others; then work in a law firm

Doctorate (summa cum laude) by the Faculty of Law of the University of Tübingen.

since June 1996
Professor of Law (Youth and Criminal Law; Public/Social Law; Mediation and Conflict Management) at the EAH Jena

Foundation of SocNet98 - Socrates Network of European University Schools of Social Work together with Menno van Veen (Hanzehogeschool Groningen)

Member and Co-Coordinator of the Youth Commission of the Nds. State Prevention Council

May 2000 - Sept. 2002
Member of the scientific advisory board of the Rauhen Haus Institute for the evaluation of the Frostenwalde detention avoidance program

Oct. 2001 - Jan. 2002
Visiting Scholar at the T.C.Beirne School of Law of the University of Queensland and at the Corrs Chamber Westgarth Dispute Management Center in Brisbane, Australia

Dec. 2001
Accreditation as Mediator Supreme Court in Queensland

Since 2001
Member of the Accreditation Commission of the BAG TOA

Member and co-coordinator of the 2nd Juvenile Criminal Law Reform Commission (BMJ/DVJJ)

Member of the legal committee of the AGJ (umbrella organisation of youth welfare)

2003 - 2012
Mediator in the mediation office at the AG Hannover

2003 - 2013
Board member and from 2006 1st chairman of Konsens e.V., an association for the promotion of mediation in Lower Saxony

since March 2005
BMWA training trainer for mediation (Federal Association for Mediation in Business and the World of Work -

since February 2006
Member of the mediator and trainer certification commission, Federal Association for Mediation in Business and the World of Work ( )

April - August 2006
Visiting Scholar at the Australian Center for Peace and Conflict Studies (ACPACS/ISSR) at the University of Queensland in Brisbane Australia and the Dispute Resolution Center at Bond Law School, Goldcoast, Qld. (Australia). Associate with the Queensland Dispute Resolution Branch

Sept. 2011 - Feb. 2012
Visiting Scholar Griffith University Law School Brisbane (Australia); working in the Queensland Dispute Resolution Branch
Visiting Scholar Massey University, School of Social and Cultural Studies, Auckland (New Zealand)

Jan/Feb 2017
Research visit Murdoch University, Perth (Aus)

Nov. 2017/Sept. 2021
Mediator Re-accreditation NMAS (Australia)

Jan 2022
Re-accreditation as "registered mediator" at the BMJ, Vienna
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