Prof. Dr. Yvonne Rubin
Prof. Dr. Yvonne Rubin
Professional Career
- Since 9/2021 Professor of Social Work with a focus on ageing and life situations at the EAH Jena.
- 2021 Call to the W2 professorship for theories and methods of health-related social work, Fulda University of Applied Sciences (rejected)
- 2013 - 2021 Research assistant at the Department of Social Work, Fulda University of Applied Sciences
- 2017 Research assistant at the Department of Nursing and Health, Fulda University of Applied Sciences
- 2009 - 2012 Nursing management, ev. Johanneswerk Herford (outpatient assistance, care close to the community)
- 2000 - 2009 Team leader/ quality officer Alt und Jung Südwest Bielefeld (outpatient care according to the 'Bielefeld Model')