Diana Düring Diana Düring
Academic Career
- Since 09/2014 Professor of Theory and History of Social Work and Child and Youth Welfare at the Department of Social Work, EAH Jena
- 10/05 - 08/09 DFG Research Training Group "Youth Welfare in Transition", TU Dortmund
- 08/06 - 08/09 PhD scholarship holder
- 10/05 - 07/06 external colleague
- 09/98 - 08/03 University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, studies at the Department of Social Work - degree: social worker/pedagogue
Professional Career
- 11/09 - 04/2014 International Society for Educational Support (IGfH) e.V., Frankfurt Main, scientific advisor
- 11/01 - 07/06 SiT - Addiction Support in Thuringia gGmbH, Erfurt
- Music scene project Drogerie
- Pedagogical-therapeutic residential home for children and young people addicted to or at risk of drug addiction
- Drug contact café and emergency sleeping facilities Erfurt
- 09/00 – 01/01 Mobile Youth Work (Mobile Jugendarbeit Leipzig e.V.), Leipzig, practical study semester
- 03/00 – 07/00 CON English Boarding School, Pithuwa/Nepal, practical study semester
- 09/97 – 08/98 Youth Residential Care „Geschwister Scholl“, Bad Köstritz, voluntary social year